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Nigiri are the little rectangles of rice topped with slices of fish and other toppings that sushi chefs squeeze together with their fingers. Hand rolls are an informal sushi roll that don’t require a bamboo mat to make. The chef places half a sheet of nori—the crisp, dark-green Japanese seaweed paper—on his palm, presses on a blob of sushi rice and a piece of fish, and rolls it up like a waffle cone. The nigiri and hand rolls that Kate made looked ragged and fell apart.
Then Zoran told the students why he was teaching them to make nigiri and hand rolls. The next day—Saturday—Toshi, Zoran, Jay, and all the students would load the restaurant’s catering equipment into a truck and drive to Hollywood, to the studio lot at Paramount Pictures, to serve sushi at a party for 3,000 people.
摘要: 握壽司和手卷是兩種不同的壽司形式,凱特做的壽司看起來很粗糙。佐蘭告訴學生們,他們將在派拉蒙影業的派對上提供壽司。