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分析這句話的詞態Data traffic between the internal and external networks flows through these devices. In this way, the traditional network security architecture is more and more difficult to guarantee the security of the network[1], and there are two major security risks



  1. Data traffic between the internal and external networks flows through these devices.

    • Data traffic: 名詞短語,作為主語。
    • between the internal and external networks: 介詞短語,修飾主語,說明數據流量的來源和目的地。
    • flows: 動詞,表示主語的動作。
    • through these devices: 介詞短語,修飾動詞,說明數據流量的流動途徑。
  2. In this way, the traditional network security architecture is more and more difficult to guarantee the security of the network, and there are two major security risks.

    • In this way: 介詞短語,作為狀語,說明方式。
    • the traditional network security architecture: 名詞短語,作為主語。
    • is: 動詞,連接主語和表語。
    • more and more difficult: 形容詞短語,作為表語,描述主語的狀態。
    • to guarantee the security of the network: 不定式短語,作為形容詞短語,修飾表語,說明困難的具體內容。
    • and: 連詞,連接兩個並列的句子。
    • there are: 存在句型,表示存在某物。
    • two major security risks: 名詞短語,作為存在句型的主語補語,說明存在的具體內容。
