1965年10月的星期五下午,Joe Coulombe在餐廳內心不安

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Light glissando up the piano by the bar followed by the obligatory tapping of a single high note. A song has come to the end. This is late Friday afternoon, October 1965, at the Tail O’ the Cock restaurant. Joe Coulombe, thirty-five, the smartest man in the room and just about every room he walks into, has gone jelly inside. Something bad is up. His friend and business partner, Merritt Adamson Jr., is mumbling, trying to gum up the courage to spit out some previously memorized line. The moment passes, and instead Joe watches Merritt lift a shy finger to the waiter, and order a fourth round of Gibsons.


輕柔的滑音在鋼琴上劃過,接著是一個高音鍵的必然敲擊。一首歌結束了。這是1965年10月的一個星期五下午,地點在Tail O’ the Cock餐廳。三十五歲的Joe Coulombe,這個房間裡最聰明的人,幾乎每個他走進的房間裡都是如此,此刻內心卻像果凍一樣軟弱。情況不妙。他的朋友兼生意夥伴Merritt Adamson Jr.正在喃喃自語,試圖鼓起勇氣說出一些事先背好的話。這一刻過去了,Joe看著Merritt舉起一根害羞的手指,向服務生點了第四輪的Gibsons。