分析句子 "Network security protection equipment, such as firewalls and IDS, is deployed at the boundary of the internal and external networks." 的文法結構

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分析這句的文法 Network security protection equipment, such as firewalls and IDS, is deployed at the boundary of the internal and external networks.



  1. 主語 (Subject): "Network security protection equipment"

    • 這是一個名詞短語,表示網絡安全保護設備。
  2. 插入語 (Parenthetical): "such as firewalls and IDS"

    • 這是一個插入語,用來舉例說明網絡安全保護設備的種類。這部分可以被視為對主語的補充說明。
  3. 謂語 (Predicate): "is deployed"

    • 這是一個被動語態的動詞短語,表示設備被部署。
  4. 地點狀語 (Adverbial of place): "at the boundary of the internal and external networks"

    • 這是一個介詞短語,表示部署的位置,即內部和外部網絡的邊界。


  • 主語: Network security protection equipment
  • 插入語: such as firewalls and IDS
  • 謂語: is deployed
  • 地點狀語: at the boundary of the internal and external networks
